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Insignias y medallas

Descubra una colección curada de medallas soviéticas antiguas a la venta. Desde el valor del Ejército Rojo hasta las aventuras de los pioneros espaciales, nuestras medallas, insignias y pines originales de la URSS capturan momentos históricos. Adquiera pines de colección de la policía, premios soviéticos, insignias de la marina y más. Perfecto para los entusiastas del ejército soviético y los recuerdos de la URSS. 

Model: COL-12-20
Soviet Army "EXCELLENT SIGNALMAN" badge. USSR Red Army award badge, new condition...
Sin Iva:$17.19
Model: COL-12-19
Soviet Air Force "EXCELLENT AVIATOR" badge. USSR Red Army Award badge, new condition...
Sin Iva:$17.19
Model: COL-12-18
Soviet Army "EXCELLENT BAKER" badge. USSR Red Army Award badge, new condition...
Sin Iva:$17.19
Model: COL-12-16
Soviet Award "EXCELLENT DRIVER" Naval badge. USSR Red Army Award badge, new condition...
Sin Iva:$17.19
Model: COL-12-15
Soviet Army "EXCELLENT ARTILLERIST" badge. USSR Red Army Award badge, new condition...
Sin Iva:$17.19
Model: COL-12-14
Soviet Army "EXCELLENT PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE" badge. USSR Red Army Award badge, new condition...
Sin Iva:$17.19
Model: COL-12-13
Soviet Army "EXCELLENT ROADMAN" award badge. USSR Red Army Award badge, new condition...
Sin Iva:$17.19
Model: COL-12-9
Soviet Navy "EXCELLENT TORPEDO" military badge. USSR Red Army Award badge, new condition...
Sin Iva:$17.19
Model: COL-12-7
Soviet Army "EXCELLENT SNIPER" award badge. USSR Red Army Award badge, new condition...
Sin Iva:$17.19
Model: COL-12-6
Soviet Army "EXCELLENT AIR DEFENDER" PVO badge. USSR Red Army Award badge, new condition...
Sin Iva:$17.19
Model: COL-12-4
Soviet Army "EXCELLENT SCOUT" badge. USSR Red Army Award badge, new condition...
Sin Iva:$17.19
Model: COL-12-3
Soviet Army "EXCELLENT SHOOTER" badge. USSR Red Army Award badge, new condition...
Sin Iva:$17.19
Model: COL-12-2
Soviet Navy "EXCELLENT SUBMARINER" badge. USSR Red Army Award badge, new condition...
Sin Iva:$17.19
Model: COL-10-13
Soviet Navy DAGGER CLIP Metal badge The badge is new, hot enamel...
Sin Iva:$11.44
Model: COL-10-12
Soviet DAGGER CLIP Metal badge. The badge is new, hot enamel...
Sin Iva:$11.44
Model: COL-10-8
Soviet SUBMARINE Anniversary medal "40 Years to Anti - Aircraft Carrier Division of Nuclear Submarines"...
Sin Iva:$28.69
Model: COL-10-7
Soviet metal SUBMARINE badge. "20 Years to LENINETS Submarine". Hot enamel...
Sin Iva:$11.44
Model: COL-10-2
Naval metal SUBMARINE badge "35 Years to the Transition K-116, K-133"..
Sin Iva:$22.94
Model: COL-10-1
Soviet metal SUBMARINE badge "To the Participant of VPSHSH - 1987"..
Sin Iva:$17.19
Model: COL-9-6
USSR Naval DIVER INSTRUCTOR badge. New metal badge. Soviet Navy Diver Instuctor...
Sin Iva:$17.19
Model: COL-8-17
Metal Soviet badge "VMF DIVER INSTRUCTOR". New condition...
Sin Iva:$17.19
Model: COL-8-16
Soviet VMF Special Assignment Troops metal badge. New condition. Hot enamel...
Sin Iva:$11.44
Model: COL-7-8
Soviet "MARINES of PACIFIC OCEAN Fleet" badge with tiger. The badge is new, hot enamel...
Sin Iva:$17.19
Model: COL-7-5
Soviet MARINES of Black Sea Fleet badge with shark. The badge is new, hot enamel...
Sin Iva:$17.19
Model: COL-6-9
Distintivo de buceador ruso "1st Navy Group SKA VV MVD RF". La insignia es nueva, esmalte caliente...
Sin Iva:$17.19
Model: COL-6-7
Insignia naval rusa 1er grupo naval SKA VV MVD RF. La insignia es nueva, esmalte caliente con estrella...
Sin Iva:$17.19
Model: COL-2-2
Soviet Navy badge "K-456 KASATKA". USSR VMF metal badge with submarine "KASATKA"...
Sin Iva:$17.19
Model: COL-46
Placa de metal soviética TIE CLIP. La insignia es nueva, utilizada por los marineros soviéticos durante los desfiles. Hecho de plata...
Sin Iva:$11.44
Model: COL-43
Distintivo de los marines con delfines. La insignia es nueva, entregada a los marines para tareas especiales...
Sin Iva:$11.44
Model: COL-41
Distintivo especial soviético con Vladimir Lenin. Esta insignia fue entregada por méritos especiales. Nueva condición, esmalte caliente...
Sin Iva:$34.44
Model: COL-40
Soviet Army "HONOURABLE RADIO OPERATOR of USSR" award badge. The badge is new, hot enamel...
Sin Iva:$17.19
Model: COL-39
Soviet badge "VETERAN of VMF". The badge is new, Naval Fleet Veteran. Hot enamel...
Sin Iva:$11.44
Página 129 con 160 productos de 430 en total (14 Paginas)